Bahwa azolla memiliki toleransi yang tinggi terhadap arsenic, artinya azolla mempunyai kemampuan dalam menyerap arsenic. Carcass production and meat tenderness characteristics of. It produces more than 4 to 5 times of protein of excellent quality in comparison to lucern and hybrid napier. Azolla kering bisa dicampurkan dalam pembuatan pakan ternak untuk menambah nilai gizi, terutama protein. Integrasi budidaya azolla microphylla dengan budidaya ikan.
Tanaman azolla memiliki daun yang berukuran kecil sekitar 34cm, tumpang tindih dengan ketebalan cm, permukaan daunnya lunak, berwarna hijau cerah, serta memiliki jumlah spora yang cukup banyak. Azolla microphylla is reported to be most suitable for livestock feeding. The rice field biofertilizer azolla microphylla was subjected to salinity treatment ec 4. Pdf indian journal of applied research x 53 a study on. Catfish farming is strongly influenced by the high price of feed, while azolla is a water fern that has a high nutritional value. Antimicrobial activity and identification 7 of potential. Azolla farming step by step and health benefits hubpages. The observation was done in 1, 2, and 3 weeks after planting. Panduan lengkap cara budidaya azolla microphylla untuk. Azolla dikenal mampu bersimbiosis dengan alga biruhijau anabaena azollae dan mengikat nitrogen langsung dari udara. Endemic to north america, there is an equivalent to red azolla in the carolina mosquito fern or water velvet, a.
The aim of this research was to understand the effect of azolla microphylla flour supplementation in the basal feed on carcass production and meat tenderness characteristics of culled quail. Salinity exposure resulted in decreased growth rate and nitrogen fixation by the organism. Azolla basah disukai oleh ikan, itik, maupun ternak besar seperti kambing, sapi, dll. The genus azolla belongs to the single genus family azollaceae. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kandang unggas exfarm jatikuwung jurusan peternakan fakultas pertanian uns mulai 22 juni 2007 sampai 25 agustus 2007. This list only includes scientific papers and publications referenced on the website.
Azolla merupakan genus dari paku air mengapung suku azollaceae. Antioxidant enzyme status in azolla microphylla in. Chemical composition and the feeding value of azolla azolla pinnata meal for eggtype chicks. Potensi nutrisi tepung azolla microphylla dalam memperbaiki. Jurnal ilmu budidaya tanaman universitas pattimura ejournal. Technically azolla is a type of aquatic fern and is rich in organic nutrients. Pengaruh pemberian tepung azolla fermentasi azolla microphylla terhadap. Kolam azolla ini ada di universitas muhammadiyah malang umm. Azolla an alternate and sustainable feed for livestock 1155 8. Ada banyak jenis tanaman azolla, tapi yang paling umum ditemui dan dimanfaatkan adalah jenis azolla pinnata dan azolla microphylla. Studi mengenai peranan azolla dalam menyerap arsenic dilakukan oleh xin zhang dkk, 2008. Azolla water fern as proteinrich animal feed milkwood. This journal aims primarily to facilitate undergraduate students paper over current developments on procedural law issues in indonesia as well as to publish innovative.
Azolla microphylla plant and wastewater taken from an 2month old catfish rearing ponds. Azolla azolla microphylla flour can be used as a natural mixture of nutrients to increase protein content the fish feed of 23,42% dry weight. Identification of flavonoids from the aquatic pteridophyte. The anabaena in azolla helps to absorb nitrogen, and later on the nitrogen absorbed is converted to protein and amino acid which is later stored in the leaves. Azolla will rapidly grow and fill the pit within 1015 days and about 500 gms 600 gms of azolla can be harvested daily thereafter. Azolla filiculoides red azolla is the only member of this genus and of the family azollaceae in. It is thought that these four species originated from. Air limbah, ammonia, azolla microphylla, budidaya, ikan lele. Pdf abstrak anguilla bicolor merupakan salah satu spesies ikan sidat yang hidup di perairan indonesia. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of concentration of phosphate fertilizers and different water levels on the growth and nitrogen uptake of azolla microphylla. Uji komposisi kimia kompos azolla mycrophylla dan pupuk. Phytochemical and biochemical profiles of azolla microphylla cultured with organic manure article pdf available august 2015 with 1,774 reads how we measure reads. Skripsi dengan judul integrasi budidaya azolla microphylla dengan budidaya ikan lele adalah salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana teknik pertanian s. Azollas speciation has varied according to various.
Azolla microphylla biomass, pbuptake of azolla microphylla, availablepb, visual symptom of azolla microphylla. Pengembangan budidaya azolla microphylla sebagai bahan pakan ternak unggas untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat di desa susukan sumbang. The six recognizable species within the genus are grouped under two subgenera. Pembuatan pupuk bokashi berbahan azolla microphylla daun.
Azolla microphylla merupakan salah satu alternatif bahan baku. Penulis memahami dalam penulisan skripsi ini tentunya banyak sekali cobaan, namun berkat doa. The side branches are longer at the base of the stem than at. Azolla pada kondisi optimal azolla akan tumbuh baik.
Azolla and lemna are often found growing together in freshwater ponds, lakes and other bodies of still or sluggish water definition of the genus azolla. Utilization of azolla microphylla as feed supplement for crossbred cattle 209 2. Menyaring ekstrak azolla microphylla hingga tidak ada sisa ampas yang bercampur. The genus azolla is defined as a heterosporous leptosporangiate fern from aquatic and semiaquatic habitats.
Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui potensi produksi biomas azolla microphylla sebagai pupuk hijau, pertumbuhan itik yang diberi tambahan pakan azolla. Tanaman azolla microphylla dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pakan ternak dan ikan dengan cara diolah menjadi bentuk pelet, sedangkan untuk pupuk, dapat dibuat dalam bentuk cair maupun padat. Azolla is a small branching plant with a main stem and pinnate side branches. It is assigned to the monogeneric family azollaceae. The first factor is water replacement period which consists of four levels that are no water changes control, twoday period of. Azolla, azolla pinnata, is an aquatic fern belonging to the plant family azollacea which is grown primarily as a fodder for livestock. Persiapan media pembibitan tanaman sawi adalah dengan menggunakan bak berisi ampas azolla microphylla, kemudian benih disebar ke dalam bak. All the species of the genus harbour in their fronds a filamentous n 2fixing cyanobacterium until now referred as anabaena azollae nostocaceae. Pengaruh penggenangan dan konsentrasi timbal pb terhadap. The growout of azolla microphylla using combination of manurses. The four species under the subgenus euazolla are a.
Menggunakan pupuk ekstrak azolla pada tanaman sawi ulya days. Pertumbuhan, serapan nitrogen, azolla microphylla, pupuk fosfat, ketinggian air. To submit rare plant observation data, use the cnddb field survey form. Integrasi budidaya azolla microphylla dengan budidaya. Fern growth is strongly influenced by the availability of macro nutrients such as phosphate. The availability of clean water is at stake when the modern agricultural. The study was aimed to determine the utilization of potential of a. Panduan lengkap cara budidaya azolla microphylla di kolam terpal untuk pakan ternak, ikan, dan juga pupuk azolla microphylla atau tanaman paku air merupakan tanaman air yang berasal dari genus suku azolleae. Azolla cristata, the carolina mosquitofern, carolina azolla, or water velvet, is a species of azolla native to the americas, in eastern north america from southern ontario southward, and from the east coast west to wisconsin and texas, and in the caribbean, and in central and south america from southeastern mexico south to northern argentina and uruguay. Nilai nutrisi protein azolla microphylla pada ayam pedaging periode awal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan tepung azolla microphylla dalam ransum terhadap performan itik manila dan mengetahui tingkat pemberian tepung azolla yang paling optimal.
Efek penggunaan azolla microphylla fermentasi sebagai pengganti bungkil kedele dalam ransum terhadap bobot organ pencernaan ayam broiler. The use of aquatic macrophytes, such as azolla with hyper accumulating ability is known to be an environmentally friendly option to restore polluted aquatic resources. Azolla is an excellent aquatic green manure plant, and was until recently used extensively in vietnam, china and other parts of asia in rice paddies, where it would cover the surface of the water in the paddy and outcompete weeds while the rice grew, fixing nitrogen and contributing fertility as it went. Penelitian bertujuan untuk untuk mengkaji interaksi taraf protein dengan penggunaan azolla microphylla dan lemna polyrhiza terhadap bobot, persentase karkas dan bagianbagian karkas itik peking sampai umur 8 minggu. A mixture of 20 gms of super phosphate and about 1 kg of cow dung should be added once in 5 days. Azolla mempunyai beberapa spesies, antara lain azolla caroliniana, azolla filiculoides, azolla mexicana, azolla microphylla, azolla nilotica, azolla pinnata var. Pertumbuhan dan serapan nitrogen azolla microphylla akibat.
Use of azolla azolla pinnata as cattle feed supplement. Azolla leaf consists of two lobes, an aerial dorsal lobe, which is chlorophyllous, and a partially submerged ventral lobe. Considering the importance of azolla in rice fields, and frequent use of pesticides against pests, the authors set forth the objective of investigating the impact of insecticide endosulfan on pigment and photosynthetic activity in azolla microphylla. This study uses a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement ral factorial. The fern azolla azolla mosquito fern, duckweed fern, fairy moss, and water fern is a small free floating aquatic fern native to asia, africa, and the america.
Azolla plant can be a potential source of nutrient for fish. Mungkin blum banyak orang tahu tentang tanaman ini namun sebenarnya banyak orang yang membudidayakannya karena tanaman ini dapat dijadikan pakan ternak seperti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tahap pertama penelitian, tingkat pertumbuhan azolla adalah 4. Enumeratio filicum quas im itinere circa terram legit cl. Azolla diseases and pests, description, uses, propagation. Influence of gibberellic acid on the sporulation of azolla. Jurnal ilmiah mahasiswa kelautan dan perikanan unsyiah. The sporophytes consist of twolobed leaves and rhizomes. Azolla microphylla showed at least eight different types of flavonoids with rf values ranging between 0. Indian journal of applied research x 53 a study on biochemical analysis in aquatic fern azolla microphylla article pdf available november 2014 with 7 reads how we measure reads. Azolla microphylla, biofertilizer, flavonoids, hptlc, kaempferol and quercetin introduction. Kombinasi ketiga bahan tersebut diperkirakan dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan pupuk bokashi.
Pengaruh penggunaan tepung azolla microphylla fermentasi. Pengaruh pemberian tepung azolla fermentasi azolla microphylla. The purpose of this research was to know of the protein content and quality of the feed fish from chicken bone flour and azolla azolla microphylla flour. A gram of azolla microphylla was spread in to the pot and a gram else was incubated for three weeks. Pengaruh bokashi berbasis azolla microphylla dan lemna polyrhiza. Azolla caroliniana, azolla circinata, azolla japonica, azolla mexicana, azolla microphylla, azolla nilotica, azolla pinnata and azolla rubra. Application of gibberellic acid ga at a concentration of 2. Plants profile for azolla microphylla mexican mosquito fern. Values reported in the literature range from 53 to kgha n fixed, with dry matter production between 39 and 390 tonsha, in crop cycles of 40365 days. Roots have fine lateral rootlets, giving a feathery appearance in the. The materials used in this research were 100 culled quails at 48weekold age and commercial quail feed. Pdf phytochemical and biochemical profiles of azolla.
Phytoremediation potential of aquatic macrophyte, azolla. Population rise coupled with urbanization and industrialization has resulted in over exploitation of ground water resources and lowering of the water table in many areas. Use azolla to add organic nitrogen n to the loi system. Pertumbuhan azolla microphylla dengan kombinasi pupuk. Selain itu untuk mengetahui level optimal penggunaan protein dan kombinasi azolla miycrophylla dan lemna polyrhiza berdasarkan bobot, persentase karkas dan bagianbagian. Azolla, daun lamtoro dan kotoran ayam merupakan bahan baku yang biasa digunakan sebagai pupuk organik. If you are into agricultural farming or animal farming, knowledge on azolla and on its production can do wonders to the farming you are into. Perhaps because of a high lignin content 20%, azolla n is ini.
Water fern azolla microphylla symbioses with anabaena azollae which is able to fix n 2. Utilization of azolla microphylla as feed supplement for. Azolla is a small floating fern and is the only known pteridophyte that lives in symbiosis with a diazotrophic cyanobacterium. Azolla microphylla memiliki kandungan protein tinggi. Lima puluh strain azolla di uji dan menunjukkan variasi yang besar di sebagai akumulasi. Azolla tumbuh secara alami di asia, amerika, dan eropa. Terdapat tujuh spesies yang termasuk dalam genus ini, salah satu spesiesya adalah azolla mirophylla. Azolla microphylla is included azollaceae family that very rich of protein, essential amino acid, vitamin and mineral. Azolla plants are polygonal or triangular in shape lumpkin and plucknett 1980. Dengan memanfaatkan azolla ini akan meningkatkan kualitas produksi tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya. Show all show tabs mexican mosquito fern general information.